Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Unseen Bridges

"Unseen Bridges", mein musikalisches Feenmärchen, ist ab heute erhältlich auf Amazon, iTunes, Spotify usw.:

Die Geschichte (The Story)

The fairytale told on „Unseen Bridges“ begins with a Song meant to stay unsung. While the fairies sing and dance underneath the sea of stars our fairy, the protagonist of this fairytale, dances or even more sings herself right into a crisis. In her words: „as the earth under my foot is moving and sometimes trembling, my heart trembled and bursted out this song, the song meant to stay unsung.“ Why this song shouldn't be sung, we don't learn. But she tells us that even the wood is sad about this song. Also by singing this song she somehow separated herself from her kin, the other fairies, she excluded herself from the world of the fairies. The song meant to stay unsung reaches back into times she and everyone else had wanted to forget. But with singing it's melody again she is right there, transported back into the past and to a long lost love.

Das Feenmärchen, das ich auf „Unseen Bridges“ erzähle, beginnt mit einem Song, meant to stay unsung. Einem Lied, das dazu bestimmt war, ungesungen zu bleiben. Während die Feen singen und tanzen unter dem Meer aus Sternen, tanzt oder eher singt sich unsere Fee, die Protagonistin dieses Feenmärchens, direkt in eine Krise. In ihren Worten: „Wie die Erde unter meinen Füßen sich bewegt und manchmal zittert, so hat auch mein Herz gezittert und dieses Lied ausgestoßen, dieses Lied, das dazu bestimmt war, ungesungen zu bleiben.“ Warum dieses Lied nicht hätte gesungen werden sollen, erfahren wir nicht. Aber sie verrät uns, dass sogar der Wald traurig über dieses Lied ist. Außerdem hat sie sich, indem sie das Lied gesungen hat, von ihrem Volk, den anderen Feen, abgesondert. Sie selbst hat sich aus der Welt der Feen ausgeschlossen. Das Lied, das nicht dazu bestimmt war, gesungen zu werden, reicht zurück in Zeiten, die sie und alle anderen vergessen wollten. Doch indem sie die Melodie erneut singt, ist sie wieder genau dort, in die Vergangenheit zurück transportiert zu einer vor langem verlorenen Liebe.

Lost inside memory and grief she leaves the lands of the fairies and wanders into the realm of human kind. There she's looking for a human lover that left her some time ago. She hopes that with her ability to feel all the frequencies and vibrations in the air and the nature around her she will be able to find him. As she can still sense the vibes that link her to him. And this is also what I mean by Unseen Bridges... In her words: „I can read the language of time and on whatever tree you've laid your hand, you've left a print. Whatever words you said, wind listened to it. Birds will sing the echo of your secrets. Far away you are but my silver feet can cross the Unseen Bridges too and my voice can still touch the untouchable. If I follow your steps they'll bring me back to you.“

Verloren in Erinnerungen und Trauer verlässt sie das Land der Feen und wandert in das Reich der Menschen. Dort sucht sie nach dem menschlichen Liebhaber, der sie vor einiger Zeit verlassen hat. Sie hofft, dass sie mit ihrer Fähigkeit, all die Frequenzen und Schwingungen in der Luft und der Natur um sie herum zu spüren, in der Lage sein wird, auch ihn wieder aufzuspüren. Da sie die Schwingungen noch immer spüren kann, die sie mit ihm verbinden. Und das ist es auch, was ich mit nicht gesehenen Brücken meine... In ihren Worten: „Ich kann die Sprache der Zeit lesen und auf welchen Baum auch immer du deine Hand gelegt hast, du hast einen Abdruck hinterlassen. Was für Worte auch immer du gesagt hast, der Wind hat ihnen zugehört. Vögel werden das Echo deiner Geheimnisse singen. Sehr weit fort bist du, aber meine silbernen Füße können auch die nicht gesehenen Brücken überqueren und meine Stimme kann noch immer das Unberührbare berühren. Wenn ich deinen Schritten folge, werden sie mich zu dir zurück bringen.“ 

 Picture by Liancary

Das Coole an den Feen (What's so cool about the fairies)

Was ich an Feen immer so faszinierend fand, war die Vorstellung, dass sie als Naturwesen mit der Natur um sich herum ganz direkt verbunden sind. Dass sie spüren würden, wie krank oder gesund ein Baum ist, wenn sie nur an ihm vorüber gehen. Dass sie verstehen können, was die Vögel singen. Und als ich die zauberhafte Musik von Derek und Brandon hörte, wusste ich, dass mein nächstes Musikprojekt ein modernes Feenmärchen sein würde. Und die Musik von Derek und Brandon hat es mir leicht gemacht, die Geschichte und die Worte zu finden. Man kann in ihrer Musik wirklich die Feen tanzen hören.

What always fascinated me about fairies was the notion that they as nature-beings have this direct connection with the nature around them. So that they could feel how ill or healthy a tree is, if they just pass him by. That they could understand the messages in the singing of the birds. And while I listened to the enchanting music of derek and brandon, I decided, that my next music project would be a modern fairytale. The music of Derek and Brandon made it easy for me, to find the story and the words. You really can hear the fairies dance in their songs.

Für mich sind Feen auch ganz sicher nicht out. Ich glaube sogar, dass wir Menschen uns auch genauso verbunden mit der Natur und allem um uns herum erleben könnten, wenn wir uns entscheiden würden, die Natur als einen lebendigen Partner zu betrachten, mit dem wir interagieren können wie mit einem anderen Menschen. Was ich auch glaube, ist, dass wir Menschen heutzutage oder vielleicht auch generell große Angst vor wirklicher Verbundenheit haben. Wir haben das Gefühl, dass wir uns in der Grenzenlosigkeit verlieren könnten, die wir empfinden, wenn wir uns wirklich mit etwas anderem verbinden, sei es Mensch, Tier oder Baum. Auch von diesem Unterschied zwischen Feen und Menschen, diesen unterschiedlichen Welten, in denen sie leben, erzählt mein Feenmärchen. Denn was wäre eine Feenmärchen ohne einen menschlichen Liebhaber? Und somit ist die Geschichte, die Unseen Bridges erzählt, dann natürlich auch eine Liebesgeschichte.

For me fairies aren't out or uncool at all. I even believe that we humans could feel connected with nature and anything else around us in the exact same way, if we would just decide to see nature as a living partner, with whom we can interact as with a human partner. I also believe that we humans nowadays or perhaps in general are deeply afraid of true connection. We feel that we loose ourselfes in the boundlessness, that we find, if we truly connect with something, be it animal, human or tree. My fairytale talks about this difference between fairies and humans too, these different worlds, in which they live. For what would a fairytale be without a human lover? And so the story, that is told on „Unseen Bridges“, is a lovestory too of course. 

Picture by Liancary

All music on "Unseen Bridges" is composed by Derek and Brandon Fiechter.
Derek's channel:
Brandon's channel:
Singing and lyrics are by me.
Follow me on Facebook:
Mixing of the Vocals: Jonas Rossner
Artwork: Liancary (

The lyrics:

1 Dance of the fairies

Flowers bow for our silvery steps
Our arms waving through the sea of stars
Fireflies whirr through the silent air
diving through the melodies of our songs
My sisters and brothers feet paint the earth
with patterns she's smiling about
Every tree in every wood's dancing with us too

Sing for me, sighs the old oak
Dance with me, whispers a young moonbeam
Sing for me, asks the sad old crow
Dance with me, beggs the wild young firefly

Flowers bow for my silvery steps
My arms waving through the sea of stars
Every tree in every wood's dancing with me too
The air a safe ground for me to stand upon
Sing for me, Dance with me
sigh the oaks, whisper the moonbeams
Sing with me, Dance for me

My songs can make the willows smile
and a cold stone cry
My rhythm is the rhythm of nature
pulsing under my feet
Sing for me, it says
My songs can make the willows smile
and a cold stone cry
They cross space and time
carry the birds on their soundwaves
Sing for me, they say

2 Song meant to stay unsung

Fear is floating through the veils of silent air
As their eyes tell me that with my kin I no longer belong

For my careless lips they sang that song
As the earth under my feet is moving and sometimes trembling,
my heart trembled and bursted out that song
The song meant to stay unsung

His jealousy can't bear to listen
Their jouth can't stand
Even the wood is sad about
this song

Reaching back into times they'd wanted to forget
Reaching back into times I'd wanted to forget
Dangerous to dance with memory
To embrace with a living voice something long gone

My careless lips they sang that song
As the earth under my feet is moving and sometimes trembling,
my heart trembled and bursted out that song
The song meant to stay unsung

His jealousy can't bear to listen
Their jouth can't stand
Even the wood is sad about
this song

Fear is floating through the veils of silent air
As their eyes tell me that with my kin I no longer belong
For my careless lips they sang that song
The song meant to stay unsung
Dangerous to dance with memory
To embrace with a living voice something long gone

3 Green leaves trembling

First you didn't see me watching
hidden behind green leaves of eternal summer
a living veil to hide me in my fragility
First you heard my springbirds singing
but didn't know they were sent by me
Your ears not used to find my voice inside their words

But one day then you've answered with your song
A melody reaching out it's hand
Your eyes starting to look for mine
the green leaves trembling in a gentle, gentle breeze

Show me who I am, you asked
Deep and restless is my human soul
Nameless as the deepest ocean
My fate a sunken ship on it's ground

You sang a song of deepest longing
Longing for yourself, longing for me
And when we first met you said:
Finally I've found the eyes to mirror the soul living in mine

On that day you've answered with your song
I was reaching out my hand
Your eyes finding their echo in mine
the green leaves perishing in a warm, warm wind
Come with me, I sang
You we're reaching out your hand
My eyes finding their mirror in yours
the green leaves hiding us from your world
4 Unseen bridges
Dangerous to dance with memory
To embrace with a living voice something long gone

I can read the language of time and on whatever tree you laid your hand
you've left a print
Whatever words you said, wind listened to it
Birds will sing the echo of your secrets
Far away you are but my silver feet can cross the unseen bridges too
And my voice can still touch the untouchable
If I follow your steps they'll bring me back to you
Levity stumbled when I sang that song
To run from gravity you have to move your feet
So I'm leaving now the lands of eternal dawn
Hidden in mist I'll wander in the realm of human kind

The realm that gave you other names
than those I know and a fate to fulfill
A world where you lived with your kin
Those humans who need a separation
Scary for my kin still living in union
and floating with nature
Hard for us to understand their cold stonewalls

5 Dreamlands

The first night you laid by my side I didn't want to go to sleep
for I'd rather danced on in your dreams
To chase with a smile away every sorrow
trying to invade your dreamlands
in which I'd rather find me a place inside
Where I could forever remain

If you'd stay with me you could escape
the winter planted in the human's fate
If you'd stay with me my eyes would mirror you
undying love everyday for all times

If you'd stay with me every night my voice would sing you to sleep
and guide you through your darker and lighter dreams
If you'd let me I would forever dance on in your dreamlands

6 His grave

Never can you posess something as fragile as the morning mist
hanging on the grass for moments only
Only breaths of it's touch remain
Invisible sounds and the tears on the earth it kissed

Does it remember it was there when it's gone?
Or is the only memory the one in the eyes that still see?
See the world that's now without it?

Why even in the lands of eternal summer always comes a winter?

Grass is bowing while a cold stone is sighing the tale of you
A tale that's been written without my name

7 Boundless gentleness

Stars are smiling colder now
warning me that time will break our summer
Stars are smiling colder now
warning me that soon he'll go

I have to keep me to myself, he said
For nothing else is given us humans in our lives
Than a name, a personality, a fate
You're changing under my hands
to a sighing birch, a laughing fountain
a fleeing bird, the knowing earth
You're like music of nature
Always moving, always echoing
Fading in my hands
yet never changing for me
Never changing into something I could hold

I was looking for my destiny, my name
When I came here for you
Now I'm loosing all of that
in the embrace of your boundless gentleness

I have to keep me to myself, he said
For nothing else is given us humans in our lives
Than a name, a personality, a fate
I need back my bounds to be who I am

Stars are smiling colder now

8 Gravity

When you see us dancing without gravity it's easy to believe that we never shed a tear
When our laughter's pearling through the woods, how can a human think that we know tragedy

When the black birds of parting shadow a future never meant to be
and eternity lies before us lonely as the deepest sea
We're only trying to dance us free of too old memory
We're only laughing away the burden of immortality
And we will still dance with pain when you've fled into the oblivion of your graves

When you see our eyes sparkling both young and wise
It's easy imagined that those eyes everywhere find joy

When the black birds of parting shadow a future never meant to be
and eternity lies before us lonely as the deepest sea
We're only trying to dance us free of too old memory
We're only laughing away the burden of immortality
And we will still dance with pain when you've fled into the oblivion of your graves
9 Forget the lands of dawn

To live in the world of light and dark
You'll have to forget the lands of dawn
Let me take from you the gift and curse of memory
My love, so you can be free of me

Your eyes made a step away
and then a step back to me
Maybe for the last time

Mortal is the human memory
Fading with us into the grave, you said

Your eyes made a step away
and then a step back to me
Maybe for the last time

But how will you live on
when my love for you's erased?
Keeping your memory eternally
while mine's long gone?
I'm not sure that I want to keep this gift, this curse
But don't you need me to remember?
Don't you need me to remember (you)?

10 Beautiful tale

From the cold stone slowly warming under my hand
I looked up to the old trees
And they told me

That you've found a name you liked
and that lives on
In a great story that humans still tell
A hero's tale about a fate to fulfill
A beautiful tale

They told me, how you've smiled when you held your first child
and married your beautiful wife
They told me you were loved and that you loved the world back
Sunlight seemed to like you,
Springtimebirds followed you everywhere

That the light of your eyes didn't break when your hair greyed
and your arm's strength did fall apart
that you were still writing songs, sitting here under the trees
playing for them

They told me, your voice was full of a memory forgotten by your head
That maybe my name didn't live on in tale
But that you needed me to write this beautiful tale
This beautiful, beautiful tale

11 Sing to me

Your hands always touched me like autumn sun
With a warmth that never harmed noone
Your eyes shone in a light never seen in the lands of dawn
And one day then you sang:

May this melody circle around you forever
May my voice kiss your ear when I'm long gone
When death takes away my memory
may one of your springbirds sit on my grave and sing to me

So that your gentleness reaches through the earth
that will bury me one day
Let your love warm the cold stone above my head then
Love me without tears

Your hands always touched me like autumn sun
With a warmth that never harmed noone
Your eyes shone in a light never seen in the lands of dawn

Maybe you're part of this music of nature
I'm dancing within?
Maybe you're still singing to me?
Maybe death can't take you away from me

Your hands always touched me like autumn sun
With a warmth that never harmed noone
Your eyes shone in a light never seen in the lands of dawn
And one day then you sang:

May this melody circle around you forever
May my voice kiss your ear when I'm long gone
When death takes away my memory
may one of your springbirds sit on my grave and sing to me
So that your gentleness reaches through the earth
That will bury me one day?

12 Eternal music

If I'm leaving now the lands of light and dark
to go back into my kin's realm
I carry with me our eternal music

If I close my eyes
your voice wanders back to me
Like a light reaching through
the dark of passing, passing time

When you sleep there under this stone
can you feel my silvery steps?
Am I dancing on in your dreamlands?

Through the laughter of the butterflies
I can recall your summerlike smile
They paint it for me with their wings
And chase away the sadness of my memory

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